An environmental investigation at the former Oaklyn Swim Club revealed conditions to be remediated. Credit: Matt Skoufalos.
Oaklyn to Remediate Toxic Infill at Former Borough Swim Club
An environmental study shows that one of the pools of the shuttered property was filled in with materials that tested positive for PAHs, PCBs, and arsenic. The borough is working to clean it up to continue the redevelopment of the property as a community center.
The $55-million upgrade from New Jersey American Water provides additional treatment for removing PFAS and 1, 4-Dioxane from water serving six Camden City neighborhoods west of the Cooper River.
EPA estimates of contamination at the former Welsbach Facility superfund site were off by a factor of 20, and excluded a newly discovered radioactive groundwater plume. Nonetheless, the agency says its models show cancer risks from the site “are lower than or within” acceptable ranges, and has halved the scope and cost of its remediation plan.