Membership FAQ

Thank you for your support! We’re grateful to have you as a subscriber. If you have any questions about your account, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Otherwise, here’s a short list of some of the most common issues and how to troubleshoot them.

How do I manage my account? 

To manage your account, simply click on “Account,” located in the lower left corner of the page. This will open the account menu, from which you can manage all aspects of your membership.

What can I do from the account menu? 

From your account menu, you can:

  • View and manage your subscriptions.
  • Access and download payment receipts.
  • Update your personal information, including your name, email address, and password.

How do I update my account information (name, password, payment details)? 

Your account information is accessible under the “Account” section of the menu.

Where can I find my subscription details? 

All the details of your subscription can be found under the “Subscriptions” section in your account menu.

Can I manage multiple subscriptions from one account? 

Yes. If you have multiple subscriptions, you can manage them all conveniently from your account menu under the “Subscriptions” section.

How can I contact customer support regarding my account? 

Please reach out to us directly through our contact form.