In Camden County, 6,944 residents now have been infected by the virus, and 343 residents have died from related complications. 

By Matt Skoufalos | June 4, 2020

NJDOH COVID-19 Dashboard – 6-4-20. Credit: NJ DOH.

Another 32 Camden County residents have been sickened by novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Camden County government reported Thursday.

Locally, 6,944 residents have been infected with COVID-19, and 343 have died from related complications.

Throughout New Jersey, 162,530 people have been sickened by COVID-19 and 11,970 have perished from related causes.

The statewide average of COVID-19 spot positivity testing stood at 4.2 percent May 31, from about 20,000 recorded samples; in South Jersey, it’s higher, at 6.4 percent.

Spot positivity is a snapshot statistic, and the state’s report excludes serology tests, which can confirm the presence of COVID-19 antibodies, but not whether a patient actively has the virus.

Of 6,944 reported local COVID-19 cases, 1,630 (23 percent) have originated in a Camden County LTC facility: 1,187 are residents and 443 are staff.

According to the state health dashboard, on June 4, Camden County was seventh among all New Jersey counties in new cases of COVID-19, with 31.

LTCs are believed to be associated with 74 percent, or 252 of the 339 total deaths in Camden County; 249 were residents and three were staff.

About half the 56 LTCs in Camden County (27) have experienced at least one case of COVID-19.

“For seven consecutive days we have now seen fewer than 100 new cases of coronavirus in our county,” said Camden County Freeholder-Director Lou Cappelli in a statement.

“This incredible progress is entirely the product of our residents and their commitment to social distancing and other public health measures,” Cappelli said.

“Around the world, however, this virus is continuing spread and new cases are increasing, underscoring the reality that we have not defeated this invisible enemy,” he said.

“We must continue to take precautions and carefully follow the advice of public health experts so that we can avoid another deadly spike.”

The newest local cases are:

  • an Audubon woman in her 40s
  • six Camden City men, three in their 50s, two in their 30s, and a young boy; and five women, two in their 20s, and one each in her 40s, 70s, and 80s
  • two Cherry Hill men, one each in his 30s and 60s; and two women, one each in her 30s and 80s
  • three Gloucester Township women, one each in her 30s, 40s and 70s; and a man in his 30s
  • a Lawnside woman in her 40s
  • two Lindenwold women, one each in her 40s and 50s
  • an Oaklyn man in his 30s
  • a Pennsauken man in his 30s and woman in her 80s
  • four Voorhees women in their 80s
  • a Waterford Township woman in her 50s
  • a Winslow Township woman in her 20s


The Camden County and New Jersey Health Departments are working to facilitate trace investigations into all cases.

Read our ongoing round-up of COVID-19 coverage here.

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