We invited school board candidates from each of our coverage areas to submit short biographies of themselves to inform voters ahead of Tuesday’s elections.

By Matt Skoufalos

Tuesday is Election Day, and Cherry Hill, like many towns in the area, has a contested school board election, with four candidates running for three positions (Jane Scarpellino is running for an unexpired term). We put out an open invite to everyone on the ballot to share a little about themselves with voters.**

Here’s how they responded.

Barry Dickinson

Barry Dickinson

Barry Dickinson (incumbent)

Cherry Hill resident Barry Dickinson is Dean of the School of Business and Extended Learning at Holy Family University in Philadelphia. Dickinson’s academic career includes publications in referred academic journals and adjunct and full-time college teaching positions.

He holds an MBA and Ph.D. in marketing. Dickinson is also the founder-CEO of the IT firm Interactive Services Group, serves on the Aria Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees, and has volunteered with Habitat for Humanity.

Dickinson has two children in the district, Zoe and Giselle.

Philosophy of education:

“I believe one’s level of education is the most important predictor of a successful life.”

Why would you like to serve on the school board?

“I have two children in the district. I want them, and all of the children in the district, to receive the best possible education possible. By sitting on the board, I can act as an advocate on their behalf.”

What are the biggest challenges for Cherry Hill schools?

“The district faces many challenges. Some of the most critical include receiving its fair share of public funding, dealing with unfunded mandates passed down by state and federal governing bodies, and achieving an equitable settlement of the CHEA contract negotiations.”

Kathryn Bay Judge

Kathryn Bay Judge

Kathryn Bay Judge (incumbent)

Kathryn Bay Judge has lived in Cherry Hill for 16 years, and has served on the Cherry Hill Board of Education for seven of them, including four  years its vice-president and president.

Judge has served on its Curriculum & Instruction, Policy & Legislation, Business & Finance, Strategic Planning, and Human Resources Committees, which she currently chairs.

Since 2011, Judge has also been a director on the board of the Camden County Educational Services Commission, and has served as the vice-president of the Garden State Coalition of Schools since 2012. She has been a trainer for new Board of Education members with the New Jersey School Board Association (NJSBA) since 2014, and has been a county alternate for the NJSBA Legislative Committee.

Judge has also been PTA president at Bret Harte Elementary School and has participated in Project Graduation for graduating seniors at Cherry Hill High School East. Both her children have come through the district; Judge’s son is in his senior year at East, and her daughter is a junior at Rider University.

Philosophy of Education:

“My philosophy is to offer our children the best education with the most qualified teachers and staff to continue the preeminent reputation that Cherry Hill has earned over the years.”

Why would you like to serve on the school board?

“It has been an honor to serve the community of Cherry Hill for the past seven years. I have dedicated approximately 15 years volunteering, first on behalf of the PTA and then as a Board of Education member.   One issue I would love to see to fruition in my tenure on the board is our ability to offer full-day Kindergarten to our community. I hope I can earn the confidence of the Cherry Hill voters to continue to improve this great district.”

What are the biggest challenges for Cherry Hill schools?

“A priority is settlement of the CHEA teacher’s contract that expired in June 2014. We do not receive our fair share of state funding. It is obvious when visiting other school districts that we have been underfunded for years. Our tired and aging facilities need much improvement.”

What are the biggest strengths of Cherry Hill schools?

“There are many strengths, but to name a few: the constant stream of Blue Ribbon and Schools of Character [accolades]; the recent certification of all 19 of our schools by Sustainable Jersey for Schools, with 18 receiving Bronze certification and one elementary school receiving Silver; Cherry Hill High School East recently being named 85th on the Newsweek list of the nation’s top high schools, and taxes remaining below the rate of inflation for the past seven-to-nine years while maintaining our wonderful programs and staff.”

Other Balloted Candidates

Also appearing on the ballot Tuesday are incumbent Jane Scarpellino and challengers Frederick Dande and Ken Tomlinson, Jr.


**Editor’s Note: Candidates who did not respond to our request for information may opt to e-mail their answers to our prompts and a photograph as late as 9 a.m. Monday, November 2. We will not update these profiles beyond that time.

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