We invited school board candidates from each of our coverage areas to submit short biographies of themselves to inform voters ahead of Tuesday’s elections.

By Matt Skoufalos

Tuesday is Election Day, and Audubon, like many towns in the area, has a contested school board election, with six candidates running for three positions (Joseph L. Ryan, Jr. is running for an unexpired term). We put out an open invite to everyone on the ballot to share a little about themselves with voters.**

Here’s how they responded.

Gina Osinski

Gina Osinski

Gina Osinski (incumbent)

Gina Osinski and her husband Steven are nine-year residents of Audubon; their daughter attends school in the borough district. Osinski holds a bachelor’s degree in business as well as various professional and technical certifications relevant to her career as a dental assistant in a prosthodontics practice.

What’s your philosophy of education?

“I believe that education is fluid. The trends in curriculum and teaching are always changing and evolving. It is extremely important as a district that we keep abreast of all the most current trends and ways of teaching.

“I believe that each child learns differently, and that we need to make sure we are meeting those needs. I feel that teachers are one of our best resources for knowing how their students learn. All of these things are important for a school district to consider when creating curriculum.”

Why would you like to serve on the school board?

“I am always looking for ways to give back to my community. I love the Audubon school district and, most of all, the children. I feel that as a school board member, I  can give back to the parents, residents, and children of Audubon by contributing to the effort of making sure that the children get the best possible education we can offer them.”

What are the biggest challenges for Audubon schools?

“As in any district, trying to meet the kids’ needs while staying within the budget is always a huge challenge. I also feel that effectively communicating topics to the public can also present a challenge.”

What are the biggest strengths of Audubon schools?

“The biggest strength of the Audubon school district is that we are close-knit, determined, and committed to making things work to the best of the district’s ability. Everyone can agree that what’s most important is what is best for the children.”

Tara Sullivan-Butrica

Tara Sullivan-Butrica (incumbent)

Tara Sullivan-Butrica and her husband, Ed, have lived in Audubon for 12 years, and their three children attend schools in the borough public school district. Sullivan-Butrica is a master’s level therapist who works as a clinical supervisor in Kensington, Philadelphia. 

She has served on the Audubon Board of Education since 2012, first filling an interim seat, and then serving a full, three-year term. Prior to that, Sullivan-Butrica volunteered with the Haviland Avenue School PTA for five years. She is also president of the Audubon Recreation Center board of trustees.

What’s your philosophy of education?

“I believe that exceptional schools are created by exceptional people. We are responsible to not only teach students the required curriculum, but also in a manner that fosters each student’s individual potential, cultivating the next generation of exceptional people. I believe every student can learn, and it is our role to motivate and inspire students.” 

Why would you like to serve on the school board? 

“I first joined the Audubon Board of Education to give back to the community of which I love being a part. I am asking to be re-elected because change is a process, and I feel that that we are doing great things as a Board. We are dedicated to taking Audubon school district to the next level. Since joining the Board, we have worked hard together to launched the one-on-one technology initiative and introduced full-day kindergarten.”

What are the biggest challenges for Audubon schools?

“As schools across the state face decreases in state aid while receiving costly state mandates, budget constraints are our biggest challenges. Meeting the needs and wants of a district with limited funds is a difficult process.”

What are the biggest strengths of Audubon schools? 

“The people: Audubon teachers, administrators and staff who go above and beyond for the students. We could not be successful without the parents who are involved and support their children and the schools. I moved to Audubon for the location. I stayed for the schools.” 

Other Balloted Candidates

Also appearing on the ballot Tuesday are incumbents Alison Cox and Joseph L. Ryan, Jr. and challengers James Blumestein, Pamela Chiaradia, and William Liebeknecht.


**Editor’s Note: Candidates who did not respond to our request for information may opt to e-mail their answers to our prompts and a photograph as late as 9 a.m. Monday, November 2. We will not update these profiles beyond that time.

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