This year, six Collingswod residents are running for three open seats on the borough Board of Education. We invited each of them to tell voters a bit about themselves in the lead-up to the election.

By Matt Skoufalos | November 3, 2023

On November 7, voters in Collingswood will choose from among six balloted candidates for three seats on the borough school board: incumbents Roger Chu and Matthew Craig and challengers Nicole DeFeo, Danielle Loomis, Sarah Sherman, and Maggie Zmijewski.

We invited everyone to reply to the same set of prompts, telling voters about themselves, their priorities, and their views of the current state of the district. Answers were edited for clarity and length.


Roger Chu. Credit: Roger Chu.

Roger Chu, 34 (Incumbent)

Data Engineer Roger Chu is a native of Memphis, Tennessee and an 11-year Collingswood resident who lives in the borough with his partner and retired racing greyhound.

Chu also enjoys playing ultimate frisbee, and coaches the pro/semi-pro Philadelphia Phoenix of the American Ultimate Disc League.

Last month, he helped launch the Collingswood Rec youth ultimate frisbee team.

What is your philosophy of education?

I believe that education is a lifelong journey towards understanding ourselves, each other, and the world.

I see education as the tool that opens up opportunities and possibilities for each of us. And I firmly uphold that an excellent, high-quality education is a right for all our students.

When it comes to learning, I believe the most important lesson and the most important skill that our students can learn is how to handle challenges with critical and creative thinking, emotional intelligence, and perseverance. Regardless of subject or experience, I believe that at the core of education is the challenge of grappling with new ideas or situations and learning how to find our own path through those challenges.

Finally, when it comes to teaching, I believe that it’s incumbent on us to challenge our students, potentially pushing them past their comfort zones while providing them with the supports they need to navigate their discomfort. It’s through that journey of navigating challenges that our children grow not only as students but also as people.

What personal and professional experiences would you bring to the table as a school board member?

My current tenure on the Board of Education has been informed by my professional experiences as a data engineer, former education researcher, and former teacher.

My teaching experience has allowed me to understand the nuances of the issues our schools are facing, my education research background has informed the questions that I have asked about the issues, and my data engineering skills have given me the ability to meaningfully examine the data behind those issues.

My current tenure has also been informed by my personal experience as the son of Taiwanese immigrants. Growing up, education meant everything. My parents were building a new life in the United States because of the education they received, and they saw my education as the key to ensuring that I could also build a life for myself.

But even though they valued education above all else, they rarely partook in PTA meetings or school meetings both because English wasn’t their first language, and because they often worked at night.

As I have had the honor to serve on the Board of Education over the last several years, I have strived to keep the voices of all of our community members in mind, even those like my parents whose voices are not directly heard at Board meetings. If re-elected, I am committed to continuing to make decisions with all families in mind.

Why are you running for office?

I am running for office because I want to do my part to help build stronger and more equitable schools that provide every student with an excellent education and the opportunities and supports necessary for them to grow as people and prepare for their futures.

I’ve often heard around Collingswood that we love our town because of its diversity. I agree, and I believe that true, long-lasting diversity within Collingswood can only be possible if we foster a school system that celebrates our diversity, and pushes every student to excel, not just some.

What are the biggest challenges your school district faces?

Our district faces some long-standing challenges alongside some challenges born from the COVID-19 pandemic. Even before the pandemic, the academic outcomes and opportunities have been disparate for students with different backgrounds like race, gender, and socioeconomic class.

And, even before the pandemic, our schools have needed more classroom space and more recreation and athletic space. From the pandemic, we are now facing the challenges of addressing increased academic needs across the board and increased costs across the board with little additional state funding or revenue to bolster our budget.

These challenges can and must be faced headfirst, and the solutions will require an invested, united community.

What are three key issues on which you will focus if elected?

The three key issues I will focus on are improving academic achievement, addressing the budget challenges, and meeting our facility needs.

I will focus on these issues, informed by our campaign slogan: “Community. Equity. Progress.” I firmly believe that if we want to achieve true, lasting progress for our schools and students, we will need the sustained support of a unified community that is invested in supporting our schools because all students benefit, not just some.

To improve academic achievement, we must use our data to inform district supports, programs, and choices. Longstanding disparities in student outcomes and opportunities must be examined and addressed.

When planning for our next school year, given our tight budget situation, we must work to ensure that as many resources as possible go towards supporting student success. Our budgetary choices should not be dictated by tradition, but rather should be justified by student need.

Finally, as we address our need for more classroom and athletic space, we should work innovatively and collaboratively with the borough to maximize the resources available for our district and town.


Matthew Craig. Credit: Matthew Craig.

Matthew Craig, 38 (Incumbent)

Matthew Craig works as a policy advocate in the field of nonprofit education.

A married father of two school-aged children, Craig is an 11-year Collingswood resident and the sitting vice president of the borough Board of Education.

Throughout his four years with the governing body, Craig has chaired its Finance, Building, and Grounds Committee, led ad hoc assignments, and represented the Board in successful collective bargaining agreements with district unions.

Craig also volunteers his time with Collingswood Little League, for which he is sitting president.

He enjoys hiking with his family and cheering on Philly sports teams.

What is your philosophy of education?

I remain committed to the belief that every student is capable of learning, and is deserving of an excellent education. I believe that excellent education is rooted in preparing children with the knowledge, skills and critical thinking to successfully transition after graduation to the next phase of their lives, be that college or a career.

To provide a superb educational experience, we as education leaders must always center what is best for kids academically, physically, socially, and emotionally. I believe that when students experience the joy of learning in a safe and inclusive environment, they are set on a path of success and opportunity.

What personal and professional experiences would you bring to the table as a school board member?

My career started in a sixth-grade classroom in Sunflower, Mississippi, an experience that sparked a journey upon which I have gained firsthand insights into the complexity of the education system.

Following my time in the classroom, I earned my Masters in City and Regional Planning from Rutgers University, with a focus on school facilities. This line of study was born from my experience in Sunflower, where I taught in a building that was more than 100 years old, and lacked the infrastructure to properly support 21st century learning.

I bring knowledge and skills from systems-level work at the New Jersey Department of Education, where I helped open new schools serving students in Trenton and Atlantic City, and worked as a statewide policy advocate to better outcomes for New Jersey students.

I’ve led initiatives advocating for increased teacher diversity, and written testimony for new laws to reduce the barriers to becoming a teacher. I have worked in coalitions across the state to advance key initiatives like Social Emotional Learning in schools, the Healing Schools Project, and policies that support teacher wellness.

In all my experiences, I work to center the needs of students as well as the educators and dynamic leaders that support them daily.

Why are you running for office?

For the last four years, I have seen how my experience and skill set have been assets for the board, and because of that I am drawn to continue to serve my community.

I believe in the potential of our schools to provide meaningful educational opportunities for all of our kids while fostering a warm, diverse, and welcoming culture. As a member of the board, I enjoy the creative process of finding solutions to issues both big and small to ensure that we are doing our part to reach that potential.

Having first joined the board in March 2020, I am fully aware of the challenge ahead. With the end of federal ESSR funding on the horizon, and the work to recover from the collective trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic, we need experienced, passionate, equity-minded individuals to help lead our district.

I have an incredible support network of family and friends, who have made this commitment possible while pushing me to grow in my knowledge and understanding of the impact this role can have.

I am also proud to be running alongside Sarah Sherman and Roger Chu because of their enthusiasm about the future of our schools and commitment to serve our community.

What are the biggest challenges your school district faces?

The biggest challenge Collingswood Schools face is balancing the current structure of its programming and services with the current funding reality from the state. We saw this last year when our district was essentially flat-funded despite the continued rising costs of things like transportation, health care, and specialized student services.

The federal COVID relief funds, or ESSR, must be spent by 2024, and although our district has put those dollars to work — with roles like MTSS instructional coaches to support teachers and students, summer learning experiences to help the transition back to in person learning, and various facility upgrades — the loss of those funds must be addressed.

As board members, it is critical that we work with administration to understand how we will invest to meet the needs of students today and in the future. Investment in infrastructure will ensure that our district has the space to provide the educational experience our students deserve.

The challenge we face is that our elementary buildings are old (happy 100th birthday Mark Newbie School!) and inflexible to meet the needs of all of our students. With the success of our PreK program, we have seen growth in the number of students in our elementary schools, which is wonderful and challenging given the size of the spaces dedicated for them.

This, combined with a need to address the athletic fields in the district and the resources our arts offerings need to keep them thriving, create a challenge that this next board must address.

What are three key issues on which you will focus if elected?

Partnership with the community. It benefits us all when the school district, borough, and broader community are working together to support, celebrate and invest in our students. I look forward to continuing to strengthen relationships and collaborating in service of our students and their future. When we work together, we can tackle any issue, whether it is fields or festivals, and continue to provide the educational experience our students deserve.

Focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness. As a board, we have undergone training to understand our role in fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive learning environment for students and staff. We must continue to invest in opportunities for staff to grow in their understanding of how this lens can positively impact their classroom while continuing to attract and retain educational leaders that believe this at their core.

Continued investment in early learning opportunities and supports for PreK students. The children that are or are about to enter our PreK classrooms were born during the Pandemic and their needs may very well be different from the students that we have served before them. We must ensure we are adaptive enough to meet those needs while continuing to provide the incredible learning experience that has attracted families to our town.


Nicole DeFeo. Credit: Nicole DeFeo.

Nicole DeFeo, 52 (Challenger)

Nicole DeFeo is the CEO and International Executive Director of the Delta Phi Epsilon International Sorority, and a mother of three school-aged children.

An avid fan of hip-hop, reading for growth, and the beach, she enjoys television, with Bridgerton and Stranger Things among her favorite shows.

She has also penned a book about her journey with gratitude, which will be published this month.

What is your philosophy of education?

My philosophy of education centers on the belief that education should be a transformative experience that empowers every student to reach their full potential.

I align my philosophy with a blend of progressivism and pragmatism. I firmly believe in fostering an environment where students actively engage in their learning, ask questions, think critically, and develop problem-solving skills. Education should go beyond rote memorization; it should encourage creativity and exploration.

Pragmatism, in my philosophy, means equipping students with practical knowledge and skills that have immediate and future relevance. It’s essential that our educational system provides students with the tools they need to navigate an ever-changing world successfully. This includes a focus on subjects and experiences that prepare them for careers, citizenship, and life beyond school.

Furthermore, my philosophy emphasizes inclusivity and diversity. Every student, regardless of their background, abilities, or interests, should have equitable access to a high-quality education. Our schools should be safe and welcoming spaces where all students feel valued and supported.

Lastly, transparency and community involvement are vital aspects of my educational philosophy. Parents, teachers, and community members should have a say in shaping our schools and policies. Together, we can create a stronger and more effective educational system that benefits everyone.

I am dedicated to translating these beliefs into action on the Board of Education, working tirelessly to ensure that our schools provide the best possible education for our students.

What personal and professional experiences would you bring to the table as a school board member?

As a school board member, I would bring a wealth of personal and professional experiences to the table that uniquely position me to contribute effectively to our educational community.

Professionally, my tenure as CEO has honed my leadership, organizational, and advocacy skills. I’ve driven cultural change in large organizations, managed substantial budgets, and successfully led a membership organization of more than 64,000 members for 16-plus years. Lifting up youth and families has been my life’s work, through Boys & Girls Clubs and Ronald McDonald House.

This background equips me with the ability to navigate complex educational systems, advocate for necessary changes, and ensure that resources are allocated efficiently to benefit our students. I believe that our school district faces many business challenges in budgeting and communications, two areas in which I have extensive experience.

On a personal level, my involvement with Delta Phi Epsilon has allowed me to champion inclusivity and acceptance, particularly in the LGBTQIA+ community. This experience has given me a deep appreciation for the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion in educational settings. It has also equipped me with the skills to foster a sense of belonging among students with diverse backgrounds and identities.

You can read more about this work in the Washington Post and in the Chronicle of Higher education, where I am quoted. My organization has also been given a Hero Award from the community. I am very proud of this work.

Furthermore, my academic background, which includes a degree in organizational leadership and two certificates in relevant fields, demonstrates my commitment to education and my capacity to understand and address the challenges facing our schools.

Why are you running for office?

I am running for the school board for two reasons. First, as a parent with children in the school district, particularly on the secondary campus (CHS/CMS), I have been closely observing the state of our educational system. What I have seen and heard deeply concerns me.

My second reason for running is far more personal. In kindergarten, my son was diagnosed with leukemia. The way in which we found his life-threatening illness was through the school: the teacher went to the nurse and shared her concern for my son’s health.

The nurse pushed me to take him to the doctor, and together, they saved his life. For the five years that followed, the administration, teachers, aides, and even students went above and beyond to support our family’s journey.

I have more than 30 years of experience leading organizations. I want to give back to the community that saved my child and frankly, my family.

My professional experience in leadership, budget management, and advocacy uniquely position me to make meaningful contributions as a school board member. I am dedicated to continuing the work of the board toward a more inclusive, equitable, and nurturing educational environment for all students, while implementing accountability through monitoring of our success against our plan goals. I believe that my background equips me to help make this vision a reality.

What are the biggest challenges your school district faces?

Our district’s challenges are multi-faceted, with teachers departing in significant numbers, students lacking essential curriculum materials, and an alarming number of police calls last year, highlighting multiple areas where our district is falling short in serving our children. The critical issue at hand is a clear lack of executive accountability.

At the May 8, 2023 board of education meeting, the president of the Collingswood Education Association (CEA) emphasized a widely shared concern within the room: the secondary campus of Collingswood schools is grappling with a pronounced climate and culture problem.

Furthermore, he highlighted that in the two years he had been working with the board on budget matters, more than 30 teachers from this campus had resigned. Even more concerning, he expressed fears that this trend would soon affect the lower grades, as there was little room left for reductions at the high and middle schools.

This situation deeply troubles me. While underfunded budgets are not unfamiliar to New Jersey residents, it’s essential to grasp the complexity of the expenditure side of the equation. Large consultant fees and hefty administrative costs are driving factors in the budget challenges we see. Clearly, the root of the problem lies in our executive management.

Ensuring the safety of students in our schools is paramount. For optimal learning, students must feel safe, aligning with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, where safety comes second only to basic necessities like food and shelter.

It’s evident that on-site security is a necessity, but our community is divided over the presence of a school liaison officer. We’re hearing that this officer remains at the administrative building, which undermines their ability to build meaningful connections with students and, consequently, their effectiveness. Addressing this issue is a collective responsibility that we must tackle as a community.

What are three key issues on which you will focus if elected?

I can streamline my primary areas of focus to the following:

1. Enhanced Fiscal Management and Executive Accountability: The core responsibility of the board is to oversee the organization’s executive management. The hierarchy is well-defined: staff report to the superintendent, who, in turn, is accountable to the board, which is accountable to the community.

Following this framework, I am committed to ensuring a clear and direct connection between our strategic plan’s outcomes, funding allocation, and the subsequent program results. I will closely monitor progress and, if needed, adjust budget allocations to align with our desired outcomes. To engage the community, we actively seek their input and establish committees for this purpose, and I will prioritize ensuring that these voices are heard.

2. Improved Communication: Addressing the challenges we face requires active involvement from the community. Apathy can thrive in a lack of information.

Communication has long been a priority in our district, and it remains crucial, especially now. To encourage parents and the community to participate and support our initiatives, we need to provide clear communication about our objectives, achievements, and even past challenges.

I will focus on strengthening the connections between the community and the board to establish a two-way dialogue. While we’ve initiated this process recently, I will work to expedite and purposefully enhance our communication efforts.


Danielle Loomis. Credit: Danielle Loomis.

Danielle Loomis, 36 (Challenger)

Cosmetologist/stylist and salon manager Danielle Loomis is a Collingswood Schools alumna and mother of three children, two of whom attend school in the district.

She and her family love to spend time together watching movies, and participating in activities like CCD, sports, and music practice.

What is your philosophy of education?

My philosophy of education is shaped by my experiences and values.

I’ve come to believe in the importance of inclusivity and individualized learning.

Every student is unique, and it’s our responsibility to ensure that their educational experience is tailored to meet their specific needs. Inclusivity means creating an environment where all students, regardless of their abilities, feel valued and supported in their educational journey.

My involvement in extracurricular activities, parent-teacher organizations, and advocacy work has reinforced my belief in the importance of a well-rounded education. Learning goes beyond the classroom, and it’s crucial to provide students with opportunities to explore their interests and passions outside of traditional academics.

Extracurricular activities, parental involvement, and community support all play a vital role in the holistic development of students, helping them grow not just academically but also socially and emotionally.
What personal and professional experiences would you bring to the table as a school board member?

What personal and professional experiences would you bring to the table as a school board member?

I’m not your typical candidate. My professional journey has been diverse, including roles in cosmetology, tax collection, and medical billing. With 17 years of experience as a cosmetologist, I’ve developed strong interpersonal skills and a commitment to excellence in whatever I do.

As a dedicated parent of three children and an active member of the Zane North PTA, I have a deep connection to education. My four years on the PTA Board, with roles including Reflections Chair, President, and Treasurer, demonstrate my commitment to enhancing the school experience.

My goal is to channel my diverse experiences into a brighter, safer, and more nurturing educational future. I believe in equal opportunities for all students and a safe environment where each child can flourish emotionally, mentally, and academically. Let’s work together to create a positive impact on our educational community.

Why are you running for office?

I am running for office because I want to create a safe environment for the children of Collingswood, like my own, to learn and grow. I know we can provide a better education than we do today and I want to be part of that change.

What are the biggest challenges your school district faces?

Our district is facing some real challenges in financial management, building and grounds upkeep, and like most other districts in New Jersey, we are struggling to find and retain teachers.

The Collingswood School District faces a $1.6 million funding shortfall next year with no reserves. This is the basis of many other problems we are facing. When there is not enough funding, the other issues mount and create a pressure-cooker effect. Attracting talent and good teachers costs more money. Maintaining buildings that are more than 100 years old costs more money.

Our athletic fields have suffered from lack of funding to a point now where we are not able to patch the issues. They need real fixing that costs more money. State funds are shrinking, and the income is not growing. Our current board has been successful in getting grants, but those grants seem to be focused on new initiatives that will require more funding when those grants end.

What are three key issues on which you will focus if elected?

If elected, I would focus on ensuring budget allocation for important extracurricular activities and electives that enhance the student experience for those going into trades as well as to colleges, like athletics, band, wood shop, and world languages.

I have a special interest in arts. Through my work as the Zane North PTA Reflections Chair, I have seen first-hand how children of varying abilities use art to express themselves. I would be focused on ensuring all children are engaged in their learning.

The final issue I would like to tackle as a board member would be creating a supportive environment for our educators. Our teachers are our largest asset. Building a diverse pipeline of qualified subs and permanent staff is critical to the experience of every student. I would like to focus heavily on how that happens through policy.


Sarah Sherman. Credit: Sarah Sherman.

Sarah Sherman, 38 (Challenger)

Native Virginian Sarah Sherman is an 11-year Collingswood resident and married mother of two school-aged children.

Sherman, who teaches English at Rancocas Valley Regional High School, holds a master’s degree in English and Cultural Studies from the University of Virginia as well as a master’s of education in Secondary English Education with a concentration in Urban Education from George Washington University.

A passionate Philly sports fan and lover of historical fiction and crossword puzzles, Sherman volunteers with the Thomas Sharp Elementary PTA and the Collingswood Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.

What is your philosophy of education?

I believe that a quality public education is the great equalizer in our society.

In the face of pandemics, political uproar, and mental health crises, education provides students with stability, a chance to reflect and get to know themselves, and opportunities to learn from one another.

As a district, this philosophy of education means that we provide all students with the resources they need to be successful, understanding that students come from a variety of backgrounds that should be celebrated and amplified in the course of their schooling.

In preparing all students with the tools they need, not only are we reinforcing the important qualities we want for future generations, like empathy and tolerance, but we are also ensuring the longevity of those values in our community.

What personal and professional experiences would you bring to the table as a school board member?

Last year, I was honored to serve as Burlington County Teacher of Year, alongside my cohort of other county teachers of the year throughout the state. This experience not only equipped me with a new perspective of teacher leadership and advocacy, it gave me a broader view of issues affecting districts following the pandemic.

In addition, my experience in the classroom and working with my district helps me understand the pressing needs of schools at the moment. As advisor for my school’s Black Student Union, school newspaper (The Holly Spirit), and Future Educators of America club, I have made supporting and advocating for student needs and interests part of my pedagogy.

I have worked alongside my district administration on equity initiatives, both academic and extracurricular, and I believe I have the experience to be an important voice in conversations about diversity and equity in Collingswood.

Why are you running for office?

Part of what motivates me to run in Collingswood is my concerns about the looming teacher shortage in America. Between 2020 and 2022 alone, more than 300,000 teachers have left their teaching jobs for a variety of reasons, and college and university education programs are not graduating enough teachers to keep up with demand for high quality instructors in the classroom. Not unlike surrounding districts in south Jersey, Collingswood saw a wave of teachers leave.

In my work with the College of New Jersey Center for Future Educators, I have discovered a number of creative solutions to this educator shortage, including creating and strengthening homegrown teacher-pipeline programs in districts that emphasize serving local communities.

Additionally, I am deeply passionate about and committed to creating a more equitable environment for all of our students to be successful. The part of town you grew up in, or when you started attending Collingswood schools, should not impact your opportunities for a rigorous education or your access to certain resources.

I would like to be a part of conversations in the district, including reviewing data regarding how students are placed in honors and accelerated courses, and examining facility and capacity issues at our schools. I believe my running mates, Matt Craig and Roger Chu, are also invested in these beliefs, which is why I am running alongside them.

What are the biggest challenges your school district faces?

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, as federal funding continues to thin out across the country, districts like Collingswood are facing a budget crisis that will — and already has begun to — manifest itself in a number of ways, impacting larger issues of access to courses in the arts and electives, the hiring of additional staff, and classroom sizes.

The financial needs of the district will force us to critically evaluate how we can equitably provide all students with a rigorous education in the core academic areas, while also exposing them to the arts, athletics, and programming that should expand their horizons and help them develop into the people they want to be.

These challenges demand larger structural responses, not just band-aids. We are at a time when we need to consider how our district functions across all grade levels, and we need to question how we can create room for our district to grow.

What are three key issues on which you will focus if elected?

Equity – establishing a more equitable learning environment in which all students have access to important resources, courses, and supports that will provide them with a quality education. In addition, investing in culturally appropriate curriculum and learning opportunities that are afforded to all students.

Community – strengthening our partnership with the borough to invest in facility and capacity solutions that will allow the district to grow. In addition, finding more meaningful ways to celebrate the growing diversity within our borough.

Innovation – looking for new systems to better serve our students in terms of access to resources, space, and programming, as well as innovative ways to support new and veteran teachers. In addition, expanding different pathways to college and career for our students beyond high school, as well as finding new and unique ways to bring in highly qualified teachers.


Maggie Zmijewski. Credit: Maggie Zmijewski.

Maggie Zmijewski, 38 (Challenger)

Maggie Zmijewski is a Clinical Operations Manager for pharmaceutical manufacturing clinical research organization Parexel.

A married mother of three elementary-school-aged children, she loves reading, embroidery, enjoying the beach with her family, and soaking in as much time as possible with family and friends.

What is your philosophy of education?

My philosophy of education is simple: children need to be immersed with as much learning, culture, kindness and opportunity as possible.

What personal and professional experiences would you bring to the table as a school board member?

Being an extremely active member of my children’s PTA, I have the ability to understand and see firsthand the shortcomings of our district, and how they leverage the community to help the schools succeed.

I have overseen the creation of our book nook after our library was taken away, ensuring that students at Tatem have access to as many books as possible. I have designed and led our PTA to create a second outdoor learning space so our students can get outside as much as possible.

I see firsthand the lack of space and resources and the inequity at the elementary level, and I know this is a district problem to help solve. Simply, I am motivated to get things done, and refuse to be satisfied with the status quo. Being a community member and a direct stakeholder that is fully in tune with our schools gives me the motivation to do better.

Professionally, I lead global teams to help bring new drugs to market. Although this is not in the education field, I have firsthand experience dealing with budgets, extremely tight timelines, and strong leadership skills. Through positive reinforcement, critical thinking and success, I am able to leverage these professional skills to benefit our school board.

Why are you running for office?

I’m running for office because change is needed in the Collingswood school district. Most people would prefer to sit back and complain. I’m taking action, and want to work toward the betterment of our schools.

What are the biggest challenges your school district faces?

Budget, retention and safety are what I am hearing and seeing as our biggest challenges. Our district is going into another year with a budget deficit. This year they are looking at $1.6 million, losing 22 high school staff in the last 24 months, and 99 calls to the police department in the 2022-23 school year.

What are three key issues on which you will focus if elected?

Board members have the opportunity to review policy, budget and the superintendent. Ensuring our current policies and any future revisions have the safety of all children at the forefront of those policies is extremely important. I’d intend to direct my attention to ensuring fiscal responsibility and accountability of all district leadership.

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