What does it take to be the number-fourteen yo-yo player in the country? Everything you’ve got—and more.

By Matt Skoufalos | April 1, 2020

In 2018, we asked a few people to think about themselves in the past tense.

We asked them about things they’ve done and put behind them; things with which they no longer relate in the same way. Then we asked them what’s different now. We’re calling it “Things That I Used to Do.”

Fimmaker Rocco Michaluk brought his talented team to the project, and Jay Mage hosted us on location at Mageworks Productions.

The second story in the series comes from Cherry Hill resident Jesse Reim, who at one point was ranked America’s fourteenth-best yo-yo player. Djimon Winston edited the story together, and Sabrina Coppola (who also made the project logo!) was the assistant director.

If you missed the first installment in the project, about Collingswood resident Gina Randazzo, who once fronted Misstallica, a nationally touring, all-female Metallica tribute act, check it out here.

Hope you enjoy it. If you want to tell a story about the things you used to do, drop us a line.


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